Instances That Qualify One to Be Charged with an Assault On a Law Enforcement Officer

Assault is a grievous charge, but the assault on a law enforcement officer attracts a severe penalty or punishment. The law extends to the law employees and members of the military in service. The law is more expensive than the general assault as it includes acts beyond assaults. The law consists of former federal officers, employees, and military members against the people who forcibly assault or intimidate them during their service time to perform official duties. Samuel C. Moore provides experienced federal attorney services to clients to ensure that they get a fair judgment. The attorneys assess the case facts, analyze the possible defenses and help minimize the criminal and the collateral consequences. There are several ways an individual can land a federal assault case, such as:
Forceful assaults
During their duties, law enforcement agents get faced with brutal forces that lead to incurring injuries. An Assault on a law enforcement Officer that involves physical contact or done with the intent to commit another felony attracts potential imprisonment of up to 8 years. If a deadly weapon gets used, or the officer gets actual bodily harm, then the punishment can go up to 20 years in jail.
Resists and opposes
Law enforcement agents conduct arrests to ensure that suspected criminals get judged and passed judgment for the crimes committed. Sometimes the officers face a hard time taking in the criminals as they do whatever possible to ensure they don’t get arrested. Some even go to the extent of committing an assault on a law enforcement officer, which further adds to the charges they already face. Resisting an arrest can turn a small case into a considerable matter due to how the accused responded to the officers on duty.
Impedes and intimidations
While performing their daily tasks, pole officers sometimes experience forces from people that hinder them from achieving their duties well. A good example is when police officers guard a barricade, but people forcefully run over the barricade and even threaten the officers. Such acts fall under assault on a law enforcement officer, and legal measures may be taken against such individuals, including a jail term, a fine, or both. In addition, criminal convictions cause enormous consequences on individuals’ life aspects. Driving privileges, eligibility for federal benefits, professional licenses, and security clearances are some of the loss of the rights of an individual getting involved in an Assault on a law enforcement Officer.
During their duties, sometimes police officers face interference from individuals who aren’t a party to the ongoing processes. Interference is broad as it may include the failure to cooperate when requested to produce identification information and fighting with an officer. This kind of crime is misused mainly by law enforcement officers who use excessive force on individuals inflicting severe injuries. A federal attorney provides legal representation that keenly investigates the produced evidence and works on good defense to minimize the legal consequences.